Mastering languages to build bridges
und tear down walls

German <> English
Private Lessons, Language Consulting

DIN EN ISO 17100
DIN CERTCO Registration: 7U242


We are looking forward to your contact. Inquiries, whether from authors, agencies, publishers or authorized representatives, are treated, of course, with due discretion. You will immediately receive our free, non-binding offer as a PDF by e-mail.

For requests involving translations or editing services, please use the contact form below to guarantee a secure, encrypted transmission of your inquiry. Indicate the total number of characters including empty spaces in your source text, so that the length can be determined in standard pages. In "UPLOAD FILE" (bottom left), feel free to add a representative excerpt (a maximum of 5 pages) from your source text. This allows us to assess your request in terms of subject matter and style. As a result, we can respond to you more promptly and more precisely.

General questions or inquiries concerning private lessons or language consulting, for example, can be sent to us informally by e-mail via: Of course, we welcome you in this regard by telephone as well: +49 173 6009896 and +49 30 36427997.

Non-Binding Inquiry

Inquiry for Translation or Editing Services

* = Mandatory Field

Translation from German into English
Translation from English into German
Editing in German
Editing in English

Note: The term "Source Text" refers to the text which is to be translated or edited.

This information is transmitted via an encrypted connection which is secured by Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure.

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